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Rachel Del Monte rounded corners
Rachel Del Monte joins YMCA of Silicon Valley as its Chief Operating Officer. Rachel will lead strategic initiatives that will strengthen community health by providing places, programs, and people to improve the lives of children, adults, and families.
Little Free LIbrary box
Northwest YMCA is thrilled to join the Little Free Library program, providing community access to free books. We invite the community to take a book from the library...
4-year-old Maritza’s parents enrolled her in YMCA swim lessons because they themselves had never learned to swim. Swim lessons at the Y helped make swim drills playful and fun.
We strive to align our smartphone rules and etiquette with our core values to create an atmosphere of support and consideration. Learn how smartphone etiquette fosters a positive gym environment and upholds the Y's principles.
Summer Day Camp
Why choose a YMCA Summer Day Camp for your child? As summer approaches, parents across the country are starting to plan activities for their children.
Y Members enjoying the pool
Whether you're a new member or a longtime attendee, making the most out of your YMCA membership can enhance your fitness journey, foster social connections, and enrich your overall well-being. Learn more