Everything you need to know about being a Y member .


We’re an inclusive organization bringing together people from across our diverse community, joined together by a shared commitment to nurturing the potential of every child and teen, improving health and well-being, and providing opportunities to give back and support our neighbors. We hope you will join us.


YMCA of Silicon Valley is a leading nonprofit committed to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. 
Our Mission is to strengthen our community by improving the quality of life and inspiring individuals and families to develop their fullest potential in spirit, mind and body. 
We believe that lasting personal and social change can only come about when we work together to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. 
The Y is accessible to all people. We offer financial assistance to individuals and families who cannot afford membership. Our Annual Giving Campaign raises money for financial assistance to ensure our community members, regardless of their ability to pay, can benefit from Y programs and services. One hundred percent of the money raised helps people in our local communities.


Members, Participants, Parents and Volunteers

Welcome to the Y. We are a vibrant and inclusive organization made up of members from all backgrounds and walks of life, and committed to providing our members with the best possible experience. Please help us create and maintain a comfortable, safe, secure and welcoming environment at all times by following our Code of Conduct. 
Please adhere to these behaviors:

  • Uphold the Y values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility
  • Follow facility usage and safety rules
  • Maintain an atmosphere free of derogatory or unwelcome comments, conduct, or actions
  • Maintain an environment that is welcoming, genuine, nurturing and caring for people of all ages, incomes and backgrounds
  • Be respectful and cooperative of everyone around you, whether inside the Y or toward our neighbors

Please follow our phone, photo and technology etiquette: 

  • Do not use video recorders, cameras, mobile phone cameras, or other visual or audio recording devices in locker rooms, restrooms, or other areas as designated by Y staff
  • Check with Y staff before taking photos and check with other parents before including their children in photos
  • Do not talk on cell phones in locker rooms, restrooms and workout areas
  • Do not watch anything on exercise equipment screens or on your personal equipment that might be inappropriate or offensive to other members or their children

Please maintain a positive environment by avoiding:

  • Abusive, harassing, hateful, intimidating or obscene communications or gestures
  • Threats of harm, physical aggression or violent acts
  • Anything visible that conveys a message of hate, exclusion, intimidation, threat or violence, including (but not limited to) clothing, signs, symbols, jewelry, or tattoos
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Smoking
  • Damaging or defacing Y property
  • Possession, sale, use, or being under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances
  • Offensive or unlawful conduct

At the Y, the safety and protection of our members, especially children, are our first priority. If your actions are contrary to that value, the Y reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person, including one who has been charged with or convicted of any crime involving violence or sexual abuse or who is required by law to register as a sex offender. 
Failure to follow this code of conduct will result in disciplinary actions, which may include immediate eviction from the premises, loss of privileges, and suspension or termination of membership. The Y may contact security, police, or other authorities for assistance or to take appropriate legal action. 
We encourage individuals who experience or observe inappropriate conduct to promptly report their concerns to Y staff. We will make every effort to ensure that reports are investigated and resolved promptly and effectively.

Try the Y for Free

If you are not yet a member, we invite you to come in to your nearby Y and explore all we have to offer. You can take a tour and talk to staff about all the activities and services you’ll find at the Y, based on your specific needs.

If you are unsure about joining, you can try the Y for free. We offer a Free 7-Day Trial Pass for Silicon Valley/Bay Area residents. This will enable you to come in at different times during the week and take part in any of the activities available at the Y. We’re sure you will love the experience.

Membership Categories

When you purchase a membership, you can choose between a single-person membership or a family membership. These are our standard membership categories:


  • Adult (23-64) - One adult, age 23 to 64
  • Senior (65+) - One adult, age 65 or older
  • Youth/Young Adult (12-22) - One young person, age 12 to 22 


  • One Adult with Kids - One adult plus all children, up to age 22, living in same household
  • Two Adults - Two adults, age 23 or older, living in same household
  • Two Seniors (65+) - Two adults, both age 65 or older, living in same household
  • Two Adults with Kids - Two adults, plus all children, up to age 22, living in same household
  • Three Adults with or without Kids - Three adults, with or without children, up to age 22, living in the same household
Membership Fees
How To Join

To join the Y, you can visit the Y in person, or you can join online.

When you visit the Y in person, you can take a tour, meet staff members and get all of your questions answered. If you’re still unsure, you can request a free 7-Day Trial Pass or you can take some time to talk with your family and join online later.

When you first visit the Y, you will be asked to complete and sign the following waivers and agreements:

Member Code of Conduct
Member Liability Waiver
Wireless Network Use Agreement

The forms above are provided for informational purposes only.


Joining Fee

The Joining Fee is a one-time fee when you join the Y. As long as your membership remains continuous, the Joining Fee is paid only once. The Joining Fee is nonrefundable after the first 30 days.
It is also possible to pay the Joining Fee over the first three months of your membership. In this case, you will pay one-third of the Joining Fee each month along with your monthly fee. When you join in person, tell the membership staff if you would like to do this.
If you cancel your membership, you can rejoin within 30 days and pay no join fee. Rejoining the Y after that 30 day window will require repayment of the Joining Fee. Or you can take advantage of a membership promotion - offered several times a year that may lower the Joining Fee.
The Joining Fee is based on your membership type. If you decide to upgrade your membership, you will be asked to pay the difference in the Joining Fee. No Joining Fee refunds are issued if you downgrade your membership, however, your monthly rate will be adjusted accordingly.

Ways To Pay

There are a variety of ways to pay for your membership:

Pay monthly with an automatic withdrawal (electronic fund transfer) from your bank account or credit card. You may select to have your payment occur on the 3rd or the 20th of each month.

Pre-pay for 12 months of membership with a check or credit card. (We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover.)

Pay on a monthly basis, at the beginning of each month for up to three months maximum. In this case, your membership fee will equal one-third of the Joining Fee plus your monthly fee. (See Limited Time Memberships)

Pay a Day Pass fee for one day full access to any one of our branches. Day Pass guests do not receive the reduced program rates that members enjoy.

Day Pass Fees – one location, one day:

  • Adult Day Pass (ages 23-64): $25
  • Senior Day Pass (ages 65+): $20
  • Youth Day Pass (ages 0-22): $10 – See youth usage guidelines by age here. Youth up through age 17 must have a liability waiver signed by a parent or guardian. 
  • Family Day Pass: $45 - Two adults and dependent children in the same household
30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We are committed to providing you with an excellent member experience, helping you to achieve your goals while finding a comfortable place to belong and build personal connections. The Y offers something for every member of your family and we’ll help you find what’s right for you.

We are so sure that you will benefit from your Y membership, that we offer a 30-day money back guarantee. If for any reason, you are unsatisfied with your membership, please talk to your local Y’s Membership Director. They will listen to your concerns and work with you to improve your experience. If you remain unsatisfied and choose to end your Y membership within the first 30 days, we will refund your money – both your Joining Fee and the monthly fee. After 30 days, your Joining Fee is no longer refundable, however, you can choose to end your membership at any time with written 30-day notice.

Financial Assistance

We believe that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, should have the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive at the Y. That’s why we provide financial assistance to individuals and families in the community who cannot afford to pay our full membership rates or program fees. Based on level of need, we provide assistance to as many individuals and families as possible. Thanks to contributions from our generous donors, tens-of-thousands of youth, adults and seniors receive the support, guidance and resources they need to achieve greater health and well-being.
Who can apply for financial assistance?
Financial assistance is available for individuals and families who cannot afford the full cost of Y membership or Y programs like youth sports, swim lessons, child care, camps, and other youth or adult programs.
How do I apply for financial assistance?
Applications are available at your nearby Y or online.

Simply fill out the application and bring it to your local Y. Our staff will let you know if you qualify for assistance. All information is strictly confidential. 
How is financial assistance awarded?
The amount of financial assistance offered is determined on a sliding scale based on your specific circumstances. If you receive financial assistance for membership, you will pay NO Joining Fee and only a portion of your membership fee. The Y will pay the rest.
If you have further questions about Financial Assistance, please call 408-351-6400 or visit any of our Y locations.

Limited Time Memberships

If you are visiting the area temporarily on business or vacation, we offer a one-month membership which can be repeated up to three consecutive months.

You can pay for a one-month membership up-front with a check or credit card. Once you choose your membership category, the cost of a one month membership is one-third of the Joining Fee plus the monthly fee.

If you want to join for two or three months, you can pay in the same way for a period of two or three months, either up front or before the beginning of each month.

If you expect to continue your Y membership for more than three months, you should join the Y with an ongoing membership. There are no contracts at the Y, so you can cancel your membership at online up to 5 days before your membership draft (Membership > Managing Your Membership > Cancelling Your Membership).

We also offer a daily fee which enables you to come in and use the Y for one day only, with full access to all facilities. You will be asked to complete the same liability waiver that all members complete.

  • Adult Daily Fee (age 23 and up): $25
  • Youth Daily Fee (age 0-22): $10  
  • Youth up through age 17 must have a liability waiver signed by a parent or guardian. *See youth usage guidelines here
  • Family Daily Fee: $45 - Two adults and dependent children in the same household
Membership Card

When you join the Y, everyone included in your membership ages 18 and up will need to bring a photo ID to be issued a membership card. You will each be issued two membership cards, one credit card size and one key size. You will use your membership card to access your home Y, where you joined, and any of the other YMCA of Silicon Valley locations.

Youth aged 12 and up who will be accessing the Y without a parent or guardian will receive a membership card. Youth members under age 12 will receive a membership card as needed, depending on their program participation. Please allow a few extra minutes on your first visit to complete this process. 
A very convenient alternative to using your physical membership card is to use the YFit App on your smartphone to scan into the Y. Download the YFit App and follow the simple instructions below to set up your membership barcode. Now you can scan into your Y with a barcode on your phone.

Other Membership Types
Group/Employer Memberships

When companies provide their employees with opportunities to live a healthy lifestyle and be part of a caring community, both employees and employers share the rewards. Discover the health and wellness benefits available through the Y’s Group/Employer Membership Program.

Military Memberships

The YMCA is proud to provide a military reimbursement program for families of deployed military or independent duty personnel through the Department of Defense (DOD). We want to do our part for the military families who serve this country every day and want to support you and your family, so that you all feel more healthy, confident, connected and secure. You’ll have full access to our facility and access to specific programs and events offsite, with all the benefits of being a member of the Y.

Check the Armed Services website for more information including registration forms. Paperwork must accompany membership application at the time of joining.

Tips for Success
Wellness Consultation

When you join the Y, you are offered a wellness consultation to help get you started on the journey to achieve your healthy living goals. A Wellness Coach will assess your current fitness level, discuss your goals with you, and help you create a plan to achieve them. We highly recommend that you schedule these visits as soon as possible, as they will help you to get more from your Y membership.

Healthy Habits

How long does it take to build a habit? Recent studies suggest that on average it takes 66 days for a new healthy habit to feel automatic. Whether you’re new to exercise or new to the Y, try these tips to form healthy habits.

Work Out With Friends: 
Not only can friends make exercise more enjoyable, but there’s proof a workout partner can make your exercise more effective. Setting appointments to workout with friends also keeps you accountable and committed to following through on workout plans.

Cross Training:
Cross training is something that people of all ages and athletic abilities can try—it’s easily scalable to suit those who are just starting out or are experienced exercisers. It’s helpful for youth under 12 to try out multiple sports—allowing them to maximize athletic potential by finding the right sport.

For all ages, doing the same physical activities can set you up to plateau, get bored or burn out. By mixing up your physical activities, you’ll keep your body guessing and will get a more complete total body workout.

If you continue to repeat the same activity over and over, you can end up with overuse injuries. Cross training can prevent this issue, and has been shown to help with rehabilitation of pre-existing injuries.

Create Sustainable Behavior Change:
Achieve your goals by setting attainable goals, planning for success, revising your plan when needed, and having compassion for yourself. 

Set goals and visualize outcomes. Imagine in detail what it will feel like to have reached your goals.When you are having a rough day, this vision of your best self will remind you of why you are making these changes and will help keep you motivated.

Prepare for challenges. At home, you have control over what you feed yourself and your family, but sticking to your food plan can be challenging when you are at restaurants or parties. Set yourself up for success in these potentially unsafe zones by having a plan. Preview a restaurant’s menu to select nourishing options before you dine there. When going to a potluck, bring a dish that fits within your plan.

Bring your Friends – Trial/Guest Passes

You are invited to introduce your friends to the Y. Not only can friends make exercise more enjoyable, but there’s proof a workout partner can help keep you accountable and committed to your exercise routine.

When you bring a guest to the Y, they will be signed up for a free 7-Day Trial Pass

You can introduce as many friends to the Y as you like, but guests are limited to one 7-Day Trial Pass in a 12 month period.

If you would like to bring a guest who has already utilized a 7-Day Trial Pass in the last 12 months, they are welcome to purchase a Day Pass:

  • Adult Daily Fee (age 23+): $25
  • Youth Daily Fee (age 0-22): $10 – See youth usage guidelines by age here. Youth up through age 17 must have a liability waiver signed by a parent or guardian. 
  • Family Daily Fee: $45 - Two adults and dependent children in the same household


Schedules and Apps
Online Schedules

You can view online schedules on the following pages:

Group Exercise Classes
Court Sports
Kids' Club Hours

YFit App

Our YFit app will help you stay connected with the Y and improve your overall experience. You can view up-to-date class schedules, track and record your workouts, set personal goals, and participate in fun challenges. You can also receive notifications about important facility information and upcoming opportunities.  
To improve your data and tracking experience, our YFit app allows you to connect to wearables, other fitness apps and popular fitness tracking devices to share data.
Download for iOS
Download for Android
Does not include Centennial Recreation Center in Morgan Hill.


eGym is a cloud-connected system that combines intelligent software with the latest fitness equipment to provide our members with a training experience that is easy to use, fun and motivating. eGym is currently available at the following locations:

Members will be notified when eGym is available at additional locations.

eGym will help you achieve your fitness goals.
eGym provides a very efficient and versatile workout for all training objectives such as muscle building, muscle toning, athletic performance, general fitness and weight loss. Through regular strength measurements, the machines adapt your training weight automatically. You will always work out with the optimum resistance to achieve your goals.

Your machine settings will be automatic.
After a one time introduction, the eGym machines will adjust to your settings automatically at every training session.
With the eGym Fitness App, you can schedule and track workouts.

Your training data is automatically synchronized with the eGym platform and is ​​available via and fitness app. Let your training plan be sent to your smartphone, check off exercises as you go and track every single training session inside or outside of the gym.

You will have access to insightful analysis.
Your training progress will be visible and will show your potential for improvement. Also, eGym allows you to automatically collect data from external devices and apps such as Fitbit, Runkeeper, Strava and Garmin for your training records and to incorporate this information in the training analysis.

Challenge yourself.
You can organize fitness teams to improve motivation and compete for eGym points. Or just challenge yourself to see if you can reduce your biological age. eGym will provide your assumed biological age based on your upper body, core and lower body strength. Based on your fitness needs, your trainer can open up new levels and gamified challenges.

Children and Teens
Kid's Club

YMCA Members with Family Memberships are eligible to utilize Kid's Club services. Parents can leave their child (ages 6 weeks to 11 years, ages vary per location) at the onsite Kid's Club center while exercising at the Y for free for up to 90 minutes per day. Supervising staff members are trained in safety, activity planning, CPR, First Aid and Child Abuse Prevention. 

Hours vary by location, season and holidays. View our current Kid's Club Hours.


Upon your first visit, you’ll be asked to complete an emergency card for your child. This form will need to be updated annually. Your child can participate in a variety of fun activities for up to 90 minutes daily while you’re at the Y. 

Check-in and Check-out:

  • Bring your membership card along with your child’s youth membership card for check-in. 
  • On each visit, check your child in by signing the clipboard with your child’s name, your first and last name, and the location of where you will be exercising within the facility.
  • You must remain inside the YMCA while your child is in Kid's Club, as Kid's Club is a licensed exempt program. 
  • The same parent/guardian must both drop off and pick up the child unless indicated on the check in sheet. 
  • A parent/guardian must be listed on the emergency form. 
  • If you have not picked up your child after 105 minutes or by the time the room closes, our staff will try to locate you by checking the locations you listed on the check-in sheet and/or checking the locker rooms. If we cannot locate you after taking these steps, we will begin calling the person(s) listed on the Emergency Information Card. If you cannot be located in the facility, and after all attempts have been made to contact the parent and emergency contact, we will contact the Police and Child Protective Services.
  • For safety reasons staff may need to postpone entry due to ratios. You may be asked to wait to enter Kid's Club if we are at maximum capacity. 


  • Be sure your child’s diaper has been changed or that your child has used the restroom before entering Kid's Club. We are happy to change disposable diapers for children up to two (2) years old – please bring a fully stocked diaper bag if you wish us to change your child’s diaper. However, if your child is in cloth diapers, you will need to return to Kid’s Club to change your child. 
  • All children must wash their hands before entering Kid's Club. 
  • Be sure to share with us any specific information about your child regarding teething, allergies, stages of toilet training or any other concerns for that day. You may also indicate any specific information/ comments on the check-in sheet. 
  • If your child seems anxious, frightened or is crying, try to remain supportive. Most children adjust quickly after a parent leaves. Sometimes it will be necessary to stay with your child in the room until they are settled. We will make every effort to help your child feel more comfortable. Feel free to ask our staff when quiet periods are, as those are good times to bring a child who is having trouble adjusting. 
  • Parents are encouraged to spend time in Kid's Club with your child to make them feel comfortable and to engage them in activities. The 90-minute time frame begins when your child enters the room; not when you leave the room. 
  • If your child has a special need or disability, be sure to let us know how to best work with your child. If you have a doctor’s plan that we can use, that is very helpful, and we will keep it in your child’s file.

Please bring the following: 

  • Membership and Youth Membership cards 
  • Snacks with your child’s name 
  • Shoes – required for children who can walk 
  • Socks – required for children who cannot walk
  • For Babies, bring:
  • At least one change of clothing 
  • A diaper bag with your child’s name 
  • Disposable diapers and wipes.
  • If you would like to include a snack, crackers and juice are great. Do not send popcorn, hard candy, gum, nuts or products made with nuts, grapes or items that may pose a choking hazard or allergic reaction to any child in Kid's Club. 
  • If your child is bottle fed, include a labeled bottle and give our staff instructions on how your child likes their bottle. 
  • Any special blanket, pacifier or comforter must be labeled with your child’s name. 
  • Please do not bring any toys or electronic games from home. We have plenty of toys and activities to engage your child. 

Behavior Guidance: 

Our caring staff will do everything possible to make your child’s experience a pleasant one; however, we will need to come find you under the following circumstances: 

  • Illness (fever over 100˚, excessive coughing and/or opaque mucus, vomiting, diarrhea or other contagious diseases) 
  • Inconsolable crying over separation from parent lasting more than 10 minutes 
  • Continued disruptive behavior (read below) 
  • Diaper change (if parent does not wish our staff to change diapers)
  • Injury 

If we experience problems with a child related to specific rules or unacceptable behaviors, the following procedures will be taken: 

  • The child will be redirected to another activity. 
  • The staff will remind the child of the rules. 
  • If the behavior escalates to an unsafe level, the child will be asked to sit quietly until they calm down. 
  • If the child continues to display unsafe or disruptive behavior (such as biting, hitting or causing injury), you will be asked to pick up your child immediately. 
  • In addition, you will be informed in writing and asked to sign a Behavior Report stating the nature of the behavior and the corrective action steps taken to improve it. 
  • If the problem persists, the YMCA reserves the right to suspend the child (at the discretion of the coordinator and/or director on duty). 

Health and Safety:

In the best interest of your child’s health and safety and the well-being of other children and staff, we stress the following: 

  • If your child is contagious i.e. diarrhea, pink eye, opaque runny nose, fever, cough, etc., we ask that you not bring your child that day or for 24 hours after the symptoms are visible. 
  • If your child has allergies that may cause them to appear to have any of the above mentioned symptoms, we ask that you provide a doctor’s note for your child’s file prior to them being admitted back to the program. 
  • Children must be on antibiotics for at least 48 hours before returning to Kid's Club. If you are unsure about your child’s health, please do not bring them. We cannot administer any medication to children. 
  • If your child becomes ill or begins to exhibit symptoms of being ill, we will notify you and ask you to take your child home. 
  • If your child displays symptoms of a contagious illness soon after visiting Kid's Club, be sure to contact us, so we can post an exposure notice to alert other parents. 
  • If your child is too sick to go to school, they are too sick to be in Kid's Club. For the health and safety of all children in Kid's Club, our staff members have the right to deny access to any child who exhibits symptoms of being sick. 

Emergency Evacuation Plans:

In the event of an emergency that requires us to evacuate the YMCA, our staff is prepared and has a plan to keep your child safe. We will follow these procedures to return your child to you in a safe, calm and timely manner. 

  • Staff will be in charge of doing a face and head count of all children. 
  • After verifying the number of children, the staff will exit Kid's Club to the evacuation point. 
  • Staff will gather the check-in sheets, First Aid kit, emergency binder, and emergency contact binder(s). 
  • Staff will keep children in a safe area until they are able to contact parents and/or emergency contacts. 
Age Guidelines for Wellness Center and Group Exercise Classes

All Y members aged 8 through 17 are invited to attend a Wellness Center Orientation. Please request information at the front desk.
Ages 12 and Up
Young members 12 and up who have completed a Wellness Center Orientation may use all Y facilities independently, including the Wellness Center, the Gym and Group Exercise classes. They may also use the pools, adhering to our Pool Rules.
Ages 8 to 11
Members aged 8 through 11 who have completed a Wellness Center Safety Orientation, may use the following Y facilities while accompanied by a parent or guardian:

  • Wellness Center including strength-training equipment and cardio machines, the gym, and the pool (with adherence to Pool Rules).
  • Group Exercise classes with the exception of classes that use free weights or spinning bikes.
  • These members may not use the facilities independently.

Ages 0 to 7
Members who are not yet 8 years old may not use the Wellness Center or attend Group Exercise classes. The Y offers other activities for our youngest members, such as swimming lessons and Kid's Club.

While in the Y Facility
Locker Rooms and Lockers

Family Locker Rooms:
Family locker rooms (where available) are for children and adults. Children up to 6 years old are welcome to accompany a parent in either the men’s or women’s family locker rooms. 
Universal Changing Rooms:
At some branches there are single-occupancy, gender neutral changing areas. Check with your local branch for availability. 
Locker Room Etiquette:
Be courteous to your fellow Y members and guests. Refrain from loud conversations, disruptive activity and cell phone use while in the locker room. 
Please bring your own lock to secure your belongings while at the YMCA. Locks and belongings left overnight may be removed by YMCA staff. The Y is not liable for stolen or missing items. 


Different Y locations have different policies pertaining to towel availability. Please check with your home Y, and other Ys that you frequent, to learn what options they have for towels.

Wireless Internet User Agreement

By clicking on “login” on the YMCA of Silicon Valley wi-fi network’s portal page or by joining the “guest” wireless network, you represent that you have read, understand and agree to the following terms of service:

Wi-Fi Service at YMCA of Silicon Valley (the “YMCA”) locations is a complementary Service for members, program participants and other YMCA guests and is completely at the discretion of YMCA of Silicon Valley.

By your use of the Service, you acknowledge that:

  • The Service may not be uninterrupted or error-free;
  • The YMCA has made reasonable protection efforts; however, it is a public network and the YMCA does not guarantee the security of the Service and unauthorized third parties may access your computer or files or otherwise monitor your connection;
  • The Service is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis, without warranties of any kind, whatsoever, and you assume all risk associated with your activities conducted online through the Service, as well as all liability and damages incurred by yourself, YMCA of Silicon Valley, or a third party that arise or result from your online activities through the Service, whether known or unknown at the time of use;
  • Access to the Service may be denied, blocked, suspended, or terminated by YMCA of Silicon Valley at any time for any reason including, but not limited to, violation of these Terms of Service, actions that may lead to liability for YMCA of Silicon Valley, disruption of access to other guests or networks, and violation of applicable local, state, and, or federal laws or regulations.
  • Use of the Service shall not be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, agency relationship or franchise agreement between the YMCA and any user of the Service.
  • These Terms of Service shall be governed, interpreted and construed according to the laws of the State of California;
  • Service and resources are limited and shared by many clients, and in an effort to avoid performance problems and manage expenses, users may be prohibited from initiating activities that consume an unreasonable amount of those resources, e.g. downloading software, streaming movies and/or television shows; and,
  • The YMCA may automatically collect certain information, such as address and device type, in order to provide improved services.

Activities conducted online through the Service shall not violate any applicable law or regulation or the policies and rights of the YMCA of Silicon Valley or any third party. YMCA of Silicon Valley will cooperate fully with law enforcement upon receipt of notice that use of the Service is in violation of applicable law. If you are unsure whether your use of the Service and activities conducted online may violate these Terms of Service, you are advised to cease the activity immediately.

Acceptable use:

Examples of prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Spamming and Invasion of Privacy
  • Intellectual Property Right Violations
  • Obscene or Indecent Speech or Materials
  • Defamatory or Abusive Language
  • Forging of Headers
  • Hacking, Scans, or other subversive Information Gathering Activity
  • Distribution of Internet Viruses, Trojan Horses, or Other Destructive Activities
  • Facilitating a Violation of this Agreement of Use
  • Resale of the Service
  • Harassment
  • Export Control Violations
  • Violation of YMCA of Silicon Valley’s Code of Conduct
  • Other Illegal Activities
Caregiver Guidelines

If you need assistance while in the Y, please ask a staff member for help.
If you have a caregiver who provides you with functional assistance, your caregiver may accompany you in the Y. Caregivers need to be 18 years of age or older and will be required to check in and provide a photo ID. The caregiver should always be with the member in the Y, providing assistance as needed. The caregiver has no membership privileges and is not allowed to use any Y equipment or engage in any Y activities.
If you have a registered service animal, please inquire with the front desk.

Asking for Help

Our Y staff members are committed to serving you and helping you have the best member experience possible. If you have questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to ask a staff member for help. You can identify our staff by their Y-branded teal-colored shirts or gray jackets, and their Y nametags.

Closure, Holidays & Cancellations

Facility & holiday hours
Hours vary by branch and season. YMCA locations will have shortened hours and closures on select holidays. Please check our website for specific hours.

Class & program cancellation policy
Classes and scheduled activities depend on minimum enrollments and are subject to change.

Closings due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances
In cases of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the Y may need to cancel classes or activities, or close the entire facility.

Closings due to facility upgrades
In order to keep facilities in the best possible condition, the YMCA or portions of the YMCA may close temporarily for repairs and renovations.

Lost and Found

If you lose something at the Y, please inquire at the front desk.

We know that sometimes things get lost. The best ways to prevent the loss of property is to leave valuables at home and to label all belongings.

All lost and found items that are given to the front desk are kept for two weeks. After two weeks, all unclaimed items are donated to charity. 

The YMCA is not responsible for possessions that are lost or stolen.

Neighbor Relations

YMCA of Silicon Valley strives to be a good neighbor with all residents that share our community, especially those who reside in close proximity to our Y facility locations. Please help us maintain healthy relationships by practicing courteous behavior towards our neighbors. Please don’t block driveways, or park in undesignated parking spaces. If you have information or would like to file a complaint please contact our branch executive leadership team at your local Y location.

Parking and Transportation

Please be aware that parking is limited at some of our Y locations. Parking spaces for people with disabilities are directly in front of the entry ways at all our Y locations.

  • Consider carpooling, taking the bus, or biking
  • Adjust your visit to non-peak hours if possible - 7:00-9:00 am, Noon-3:00 pm, 7:00-9:45 pm
  • Plan for a walk and park further away
Member Communications
Newsletters and Email

Email is one of the fastest, most cost-effective, and environmentally friendly ways for us to communicate with you. The Y sends periodic emails with Y news and special offers. We will never share or sell your name, email address, phone number or address to any third party.

You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any of our marketing emails.

Members receive monthly newsletters, along with regular email communication on program registration, member incentives, member rewards, opportunities to get involved, and information on facility closures or program cancellations.


Learn how to participate in events by consulting flyers and calendars in your Y’s lobby, following us on social media, opting in to monthly newsletters, and checking the website.

App Notifications

Download the YFit app and enable notifications to stay up to date on planned closures, and closures due to inclement weather or facility emergencies.

Member Feedback, Comments and Suggestions

At the Y, we are constantly looking for feedback on how we can provide an even better experience to our valued members. Let us know how we’re doing by using the comment boxes located in Y lobbies, and by participating in our annual member survey.

Additionally, some members may receive a brief Listen360 survey via email. We’d love to hear from you.

Nationwide Membership

Always Welcome in Every Community
We want to help you reach your health and wellness goals wherever you live, work or travel. Nationwide Membership enables you to visit any participating Y in the United States through membership at your “home” Y (your local Y where you enrolled as a member).

What You Need to Know

  • If you have an active membership at a YMCA of Silicon Valley health and wellness facility, you are eligible for Nationwide Membership at no additional charge. You can freely use Ys throughout the Bay Area and across the United States and Puerto Rico. 
  • On average, at least 50% of your total monthly Y visits must be at your home Y.
  • Before you visit a new Y, contact the Y to make sure it is participating in Nationwide Membership.
  • Bring a photo ID with you when you visit another Y.
  • You will be asked to sign a waiver when visiting another Y location. Alternatively, you can complete the waiver one time at your home Y before you visit other Ys.   
  • There are more than 2,700 participating Y locations across the United States. Use this link to Find a Y. Click on the Y name to learn if it is a participating Nationwide Membership location.
  • Program-only participants are not eligible for Nationwide Membership.
Managing Your Online Profile

It is important that you keep your online profile up to date. This ensures you will receive current information about Y programs and will allow us to reach out to you in case of emergencies including pool closures, or schedule changes. You can update your profile online.

Changing Your Membership Type

To change your membership type, for example from a single membership to a family membership, please call or visit your home Y, where you have your current membership. 
If you are upgrading your membership to include more people, you will need to pay the difference in the Joining Fee and the monthly fee. This price difference will be prorated from the date of change and your additional members will be able to start enjoying the Y right away.
If you are downgrading your membership (removing people from your membership), please provide notice to the Member Support team or at your Y. Your membership type and price will be adjusted at the time of your next payment (Electronic Fund Transfer). In the meantime, your additional family members can continue using the Y. We do not issue refunds for the difference in Joining Fees when you downgrade your membership, however, your monthly rate will be adjusted accordingly.

Pausing Your Membership

If you are going to be out of the area, or have some other reason that you will be temporarily unable to use your Y membership, you can place your membership on hold.

  • Please submit your request at least 10 business days prior to your next billing date. Send written notification to Member Support at [email protected].
  • You can place your YMCA membership on hold at no cost for up to three months a calendar year. Start dates for holds begin on your payment date.
  • You can reactivate your membership early before your hold officially ends by checking in with the front desk.
  • Your normal membership monthly charge, via electronic fund transfer, will resume automatically at the end of your hold period
  • A membership hold can be extended beyond three months ONLY for a medical reason. If you are unable to return to your Y activities due to health reasons, please contact  the Membership Director or Executive Director at your Y and provide a written verification from your Doctor before the end of your hold period. The same monthly administrative fee will apply.
  • Please note that if you choose to cancel your Y membership during a membership hold, our cancellation policy applies (Membership > Managing Your Membership > Cancelling Your Membership).


Transferring Your Membership

When you join the Y, you have access to all of the Ys around the Bay Area and hundreds across the U.S. Your Y membership should be at the Y location that you visit the majority of the time (on average, 50% or more of your monthly visits). This is your “home” Y. If you find that you are using a different Y more than your home Y, you should move your membership to that location.
To transfer your Y membership to a different Y that is part of YMCA of Silicon Valley: 

  • Visit the Y location that you would like to join and show your membership card and photo ID.
  • If you are currently an active member at a different YMCA of Silicon Valley location, or your membership end date was within the last 30 days, there is no Joining Fee required to move your membership.
  •  If there is a difference in your monthly membership fee, your new rate will be adjusted on the next payment date (either the 3rd or 20th of the month, whichever date you have set up).
  • If you have a current active membership at another Y location outside of YMCA of Silicon Valley and you want to transfer your membership:
  • Your current Y membership will be verified with the other Y
  • You will not be charged a Joining Fee.
  • Your new monthly fee will be based on your new Y location and membership type.
  • If you paid your membership fees up front for 12-months and you transfer your membership to another Y location within YMCA of Silicon Valley:
  • Your new monthly fee will be calculated for the rest of the 12 month period, and your annual fee will be adjusted accordingly.
  • If your new monthly fee is higher, you will be asked to pay the total difference for the remaining months of your 12-month membership (in one payment).
  • If your new monthly fee is lower, you will receive a refund for the difference for the remaining portion of your 12-month membership.
  • Your Y membership is not transferable to another person.

 Learn more about Nationwide Membership here.

Cancelling Your Membership

If you wish to cancel your Y membership, visit your YMap account.  

Cancellation requests must be submitted at least five days before your membership draft. Membership drafts occur on either the 3rd or 20th of each month. Requests submitted five days or less in advance will be processed for the following month. Partial refunds will not be granted. 

If you require additional assistance, contact Member Support at [email protected].

Rejoining The Y

If you decide to rejoin the Y within 30 days of your membership end date, you will not be charged a new Joining Fee.

Rejoining the Y after that 30 day window will require repayment of the Joining Fee. Occasionally, membership promotions are offered to returning members that may lower the Joining Fee.

Managing Your Payments

If you are paying for your Y membership with automatic withdrawals from your bank account or credit card, please ensure that you notify the Y of any change in your account or credit card. Pay particular attention to expiration dates on your credit cards, as these can result in missed payments. The Y will attempt to collect on outstanding payments until they are paid in full.
Bank Payments
If a bank electronic payment does not go through, it will be resubmitted with a $20 collection fee added. If a bank payment is unsuccessful for two months in a row, your Y membership will be terminated. All unpaid fees to the Y will be due upon reinstatement of your membership.  
Credit Card Payments
If credit or debit card payments are rejected, it is your responsibility to contact Member Support at 408-351-6400 to resolve payment issues.
Returned checks are subject to a $20 collection fee.


When you join the Y, you can engage in your own health and wellness journey, making meaningful changes according to your own objectives. You will also become part of an organization with a larger purpose, helping to drive positive change in the community. 

Together, we can help make our community stronger, healthier and more supportive of our neighbors, so it is a better place to live, work and play.

Here are a few of the things you will enjoy as a Y member:

  • Comprehensive health and wellness facilities
  • Indoor and outdoor pools
  • Hundreds of free group exercise classes
  • Free access to YMCA360 with thousands of online workouts, classes, and activities.
  • Welcoming, caring, and qualified staff & trainers
  • Free wellness consultation to ensure your success
  • Activities for all ages
  • Free child care while you workout (family membership required)
  • Family activities and parents’ night out
  • New friends and a supportive community
  • Full access to Ys nationwide
  • Reduced rates on a wide variety of programs
  • Financial assistance for those in need
  • Opportunities to volunteer and help your community
Wellness Center Guidelines

Our goal is SAFETY and the consideration of others. Please help us by following these guidelines.

  • Exercise equipment may be used by those aged 8 and up.
  • Ages 8-11 require direct supervision by a parent or guardian, can not use free-weights or group cycle bikes, and must complete a Youth Wellness Orientation.
  • Ages 12-17 must complete a Youth Wellness Orientation and must:
    • Wear appropriate workout attire.
    • Keep the floor and equipment clear of bags and personal items.
    • Use secure, non-breakable containers for water or sports drinks.
    • Wipe down equipment after use.
    • Do not remain on equipment when resting between sets.
    • Take cell phone conversations in the hallway.

Thank you for helping create a positive workout experience for all.

Getting Started

Experience the incredible energy that only group exercise classes at the Y can give you. Check online, on your YFit App, or in your local Y for a current Group Exercise schedule, and join a class that interests you.

Guidelines and Courtesies

At the Y, our core values are caring, honesty, respect and responsibility – they guide everything we do. We encourage all members to practice these core values in Group Exercise settings. 

All Group Exercise Instructors are highly-trained and certified; and we provide ample opportunities for new instructors to learn, grow and excel. We appreciate your respect and consideration in our efforts to provide these opportunities.  

  • Please consult your physician prior to beginning any type of exercise program.  
  • The attendance of each class will be monitored on a monthly basis. Please be aware that if a class does not maintain an average of at least 5 participants, it poses potential for changes or cancellations.
  • Two weeks notice of cancelled classes will be given.  
  • Classes will always be taught no matter how many people show up to class or are signed up for class.  
  • All classes are subject to change due to instructor substitutions/availability, class attendance, or emergency situations.
  • Class cancellation may occur in extreme situations. Every effort will be made to avoid these circumstances.  
  • Anything that disturbs others or the instructor during class is not tolerated. 
  • Keep talking to a minimum during class 
  • Refrain from using headphones or cell phones during class 
  • Arrive early or on time; it is disruptive, and sometimes even unsafe, to enter a class once it has started.  
  • Follow the instructors lead as they will always include modifications. It is disruptive to the instructor and other participants when you are engaged in your own workout during class. 
  • If leaving class early, please advise the instructor. Exit the class in a manner that does not disturb the rest of the class. If you leave before the cool down, please stretch on your own, as this is one of the most important and beneficial components of exercise, allowing a safe recovery from your workout. 
  • Please place all bags, coats, extra shoes etc. in the locker room (locked) or on the shelving/hooks outside the fitness studio area.
Pool Schedules and Guidelines

Pool Guidelines

  • For safety purposes, a shower must be taken prior to entering the pool.
  • Please keep the pool area free from glass, food or chewing gum. Smoking and consumption of alcohol are not permitted in the pool area.
  • The lifeguard is on duty to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all. Please respect their decisions.
  • Breath-holding activities, including long periods of underwater swimming are not permitted.
  • To help prevent the spread of infection, individuals with open sores are not permitted to use the pool.
  • Swim diapers with plastic bottoms are required for those who use diapers.
  • Pool and wet areas must be cleared and closed until 30 minutes after the last evidence of lightning and thunder is present.
  • Inflatable swim aids are not permitted.
  • Swimming without a lifeguard is prohibited.
  • Instruction or training by anyone other than YMCA staff members is strictly prohibited.
  • Swimsuits and/or swim shorts must be worn.
  • For safety reasons, diving in water less than nine feet is not allowed.
  • View our Pool Schedule.
Swim Checks

Any swimmer under 13 years of age must either pass a deep-water swim check or be supervised in water by an adult within arm's reach. Those 13 years or older may be asked to take a swim check at the lifeguard’s discretion.

Swimmers will be issued a wrist band designating the area in which they may swim. Green band indicates being able to swim independently; Orange/Red band indicates that the swimmer needs to be accompanied by an adult at all times while in the pool.

Deep-water Test

  • Swim one length of the pool or equivalent. 
  • Tread water for one minute with head out of water and without touching the pool sides or bottom 
  • The swimmer must jump into the deep end and recover to the surface.

Supervising non-swimmers

  • Orange/Red band swimmers must be supervised in water by an adult within arm's reach 
  • The adult may have up to 4 non-swimmers in a coast guard approved lifejacket. 
  • If an Adult is supervising 1-2 swimmers' lifejackets are not required
Lap Swimming
  • Children are permitted in the pool, except during reserved adult time, provided they are continuously swimming laps and meet the minimum age requirement. Please see the aquatics department for age specifications.
  • Swimmers should select a lane, designated by the YMCA, suitable to your swimming speed.
  • When only two or fewer lanes are open, please adjust your speed or split lanes accordingly.
  • Inform other swimmers in a lane before entering that lane.
  • When two or more swimmers are in a lane, please keep to the right side of the lane and circle swim.
  • When there are only two swimmers in a lane they may agree to swim side by side.
  • Slower swimmers must yield to faster swimmers at turns.
  • The lifeguard may ask a swimmer to move to another lane if they have not selected a lane appropriate for their speed.
  • View our Pool Schedule.
Open/Recreational Swimming
  • See swim check policy above.
  • Swimsuits and/or swim shorts must be worn.
  • Only Coast Guard Approved Personal Flotation Devices are permitted, and the use of these items is restricted to the shallow end of the pool.
  • Swimmers who are not potty trained must wear swim diapers under swimsuits. 
  • Inflatable flotation devices are not permitted, nor are swimsuits with built-in life jackets. 
  • The lifeguard may restrict the use of pool toys, instructional equipment and other recreational equipment at any time.
  • Running, fighting, dunking, flips, sitting on shoulders and horseplay are not permitted.
  • If diving is allowed at the facility, diving is allowed only in designated areas, and back dives and handstands from the side are not permitted.
  • Starting blocks are for the swim team and swim lesson use only.
  • View our Pool Schedule.
Family Swimming
  • At least one parent or guardian must accompany children into the pool.
  • All open swim rules apply.
  • View the Pool Schedule.
Swim Lessons

For more than 130 years, the Y has been the nation’s leading provider of swim lessons and has helped children and adults of all ages improve their swimming skills, learn water safety and build relationships with others.

Y Swim Lessons include five components— personal growth, personal safety, rescue skills, stroke development, fun and games – that help kids of all ages develop confidence in, and out, of the water. Swimmers are grouped by age and ability, and our certified instructors ensure each swimmer has an overall positive experience and gains skills that will help him/her succeed in the pool and beyond.

All of our instructors have been trained according to national YMCA swim lesson standards and are certified in CPR, AED and First Aid. In addition to helping swimmers learn all four strokes, our instructors also embrace the Y’s core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility and model behaviors that help youth and adults be caring and responsible individuals in our community. 

Learn more about Swim Lessons at the Y.

Swim Lesson Guidelines
  • Parent/guardian must accompany any child and present valid membership card/ID when entering the Y.
  • Children under age twelve (12) must have a parent/ guardian present in the YMCA while swim lessons are in progress.
  • All open swim rules apply.
Swim Teams/Swim Clubs

Swim Team is a competitive league that focuses on individual performance as well as teamwork. Young swimmers ages 6-17 will have fun and enjoy the satisfaction that comes from dedication and discipline. General pool guidelines apply. Please check availability at your local Y. 

Masters Swim

Masters Swim is designed for members who would like to improve on endurance and stroke technique in a structured exercise program. Masters Swimming is open to all members age 14 and up (fitness, triathlete, competitive, non-competitive) who are looking for healthy living support in a welcoming environment. General pool guidelines apply.


Adult Basketball

Some branches have pick-up basketball games for adults. Check with your Y location, or view our Court Sports Schedule, to see if they offer this program.


Youth Sports

Our sports programs develop more than skills—they develop character. We offer a variety of programs for youth and adults, including recreation and league sports. Coaches—often volunteers and including many parents—emphasize teamwork, cooperation, and developing good values.

Like all Y programs, swim, sports and play is open to all with financial assistance available.

With our year-round sports we are currently enrolling participants in winter, spring and summer athletic leagues. Winter is our most popular league and space is limited! Teams will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. We will do our best to honor special requests but cannot guarantee practice nights or coaches.

For current Youth Sports program information, view our current offerings. For more information on our sports programs, please contact the youth sports director at your local Y.


Check with your local Y to learn more about the emergency procedures and emergency exit routes.  

Youth Development Programs

The Y offers a wide range of programming for your children, teens and the whole family. Be sure to check our registration system for all the latest programming. Below is a sampling. As a Y member, you will enjoy reduced rates on most Youth Development programs.   
Academic Enrichment

  • Before and After School Programs
  • Summer Learning Programs
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
  • Art and Music
  • Early Learning Programs (Caregiver and Child)
  • Outdoor Science School at YMCA Camp Campbell
  • YMCA Project Cornerstone - school partnerships offering student and parent education


  • Summer Camps
  • Traditional Camps
  • Sports Camps
  • Swim Camps
  • STEM Camps
  • Art, Music and Dance Camps
  • Teen Camps
  • Special Interest Camps
  • School Break and Holiday Camps
  • Overnight Camps at YMCA Camp Campbell
  • Travel Camps
  • Family Camps
  • Outdoor Science School
  • Leaders-in-Training
  • Child Care
  • Before and After School
  • Early Learning
  • Summer Child Care
  • School Break/ Holiday Camps
  • Parents’ Night Out
  • Kid’s Club

Healthy Living

  • Fitness
  • Group Exercise classes
  • Strength Training
  • Mind and Body
  • Water exercise
  • Fitness Challenges
  • Race Training
  • Weight Loss and Management
  • Nutrition
  • Health Screening and Assessments
  • Healthy Living events and workshops


  • Group Swim Lessons
  • Private Swim Lessons
  • Youth Swim Teams
  • Water Safety Programs
  • Water Exercise

Sports and Recreation

  • Basketball Leagues and Clinics
  • Soccer Leagues and Clinics
  • Indoor Soccer
  • T-Ball Leagues
  • Baseball and Softball Leagues and Clinics
  • Volleyball Leagues and Clinics
  • Lacrosse
  • Handball
  • Dodgeball
  • Badminton
  • Martial Arts
  • Rock Climbing
  • Physical Education


  • Leadership Programs
  • Youth and Government
  • Teen Fitness
  • Teen Sports
  • Teen Camps
  • Career Skills and Development
  • College Visits
  • Volunteering
  • After School Programs


  • Parent/ Child Activities
  • Adventure Guides
  • Caregiver and Child Early Learning Program
  • Parent/ Child Sports
  • Parent/ Child Swim Lessons
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Family Events
  • Family Swim Programs


  • Project Cornerstone
  • Mentoring
  • CPR and First Aid Training
  • Lifeguard Training 
  • Self-Defense
  • Community Events
  • Meals/ Food Programs
Fees and Deposits

Child Care, Early Learning and After School Programs 
There is an annual registration fee for Child Care and the After School Program. The registration fee varies by program and is non-refundable.  

Day Camp 
For each child attending Day Camp, there is a $20/week deposit. Camp deposits are non-refundable, but can be transferred as a deposit for a different week of camp. Transfers require two week notice and are subject to space availability. 

Overnight Camp 
For each child attending an overnight camp at YMCA Camp Campbell, a $150 deposit is required to reserve your space for each camp. The balance is due in full by the first weekday in June for summer resident camps. Please note that the deposit to hold space in a camp is non-refundable and non-transferable.


Child Care, Early Learning and After School Programs 
Fees must be paid by the 20th of the month prior to service. For example, fees for September child care are due by August 20th.

Fees are based on number of service days each month and therefore each month the fees will differ based on the actual number of school days in each month.

Day Camp 
Fees are due in full two weeks prior to the start of the session.

Summer Overnight Camp 
Payments for summer overnight camp at YMCA Camp Campbell or another YMCA of Silicon Valley resident camp are due in full by the first weekday in June.

Ways to Pay – All Youth Development Programs

Program fees can be paid by check, automatic bank withdrawal, or automatic credit card payments. The Y will give 30 days’ written notice in advance of any fee changes.

Checks should be made payable to YMCA of Silicon Valley and should note your child’s name in the memo section on the check. All checks should be mailed to: YMCA of Silicon Valley, 550 S. Winchester Blvd, Ste. 250, San José, CA 95128.

Automatic bank withdrawal or credit card payments for after school programs will take place on the 20th of the month prior to service. Day camp balances are charged two weeks prior to the start of camp. Rejection of payment from your bank or credit card, or a returned check, will result in a $20 service charge added to your account.  

If you are paying with automatic withdrawals from your bank account or credit card, please ensure that you notify the Y of any change in your account or credit card. Change notifications should be made in writing a minimum of 15 days in advance to: YMCA of Silicon Valley, 550 S. Winchester Blvd, Ste. 250, San José, CA 95128.

Please note it is your responsibility to contact Member Support at 408-351-6400 to resolve payment issues.

Late Payment Fees

Child Care, Early Learning and After School Programs 
For payments received after the 1st day of the month, a late fee of $35 may be applied to your account. If a payment is not received by the 5th day of the month, your child’s enrollment may be suspended. 
Day Camp 
If day camp fees are not paid in full two weeks prior to the start of the session, your child’s registration will be cancelled. If you are struggling to pay the fees in time, please notify our staff. Financial Assistance is available for those who need help to pay. Once your camp balance is paid in full, your child can attend if space is still available.  

Managing Your Programs
Changes and Transfers

Child Care, Early Learning and After School Programs 
To request a change or transfer in Child Care or the After School Program, please provide a written request two weeks or more prior to the start of the program. The change will be made if space is available. 

Requests for a reduction from five days to fewer days per week can only be made after October 1. 

To add a drop-in-day to your account, a 48 hour written notice is required.  Approvals will be dependent on space at the site on that day.  

Day Camp 
Day Camp transfers may be requested in writing up to two weeks prior to the start of the session. Transfers will be accepted if space is available. Day Camp transfers requested within two weeks from the start of the session will be charged a $15 processing fee.

Child Pick-up Guidelines

After School Programs 
All children must be picked up by the end of their contracted program time. If you arrive after the end of your contracted program time, a late fee may apply, and your child’s enrollment may be suspended or terminated.

Day Camp 
All children must be picked up by the end of their contracted program time. If you arrive after the end of your contracted program time, you will be charged $1 per minute per child.

Wait Lists

When you register yourself or your child for any Y program, if it is full, a waitlist confirmation will be sent out. We will contact you to confirm status prior to the start of the program. If a space becomes available, you will be notified. If you are still interested, payment will be collected at that time.

Cancellations and Refunds

Child Care, Early Learning and After School Programs 
Cancellations may be made in writing with a two week notice. Your registration fee is nonrefundable and you will be charged for the two week cancellation period.

Once the cancellation period is paid, if there is an overpayment of fees, you will receive a refund. Please be aware that if you have any past due balances on your account (such as program fees or membership dues), refunds will be applied toward those payments first.

All fees are charged on the basis of enrollment, not attendance. Refunds/prorates cannot be granted for absences due to illness or vacation.  When you enroll, you are reserving time, space, staffing and provisions, whether or not your child attends.

Refunds will not be given if your child is suspended or terminated from the program. 
Day Camp 
Cancellations made in writing up to two weeks prior to the start of the session will receive a refund, minus the $20 per week per child nonrefundable deposit and a $15 processing fee. 

Cancellations requested less than two weeks prior to the session start date are non-refundable.

Cancellations are required in writing by emailing [email protected].

All fees are charged on the basis of enrollment, not attendance. Refunds/prorates cannot be granted for absences due to vacation. If your child becomes ill, a refund will be processed if a Doctor’s note is provided. A refund for missed days or an entire week of camp will be issued as appropriate.

Refunds will not be given if your child is suspended or terminated from the program.

Overnight Camp 
Cancellations for overnight camps may be made in writing 30 days prior to the start of the session. You will receive a refund, minus the deposit, which is nonrefundable.

If the camper becomes ill or injured, a refund will be processed if a doctor’s note is provided.  
Sports and Swim Lessons

  1. Cancellations made 14 days or more before the program start date will receive a full refund, less the deposit (if applicable).
  2. Cancellations made within the 14 day period will receive YMCA credit.
  3. Once the program begins, no refunds or credits will be issued. Special consideration will be given for medical circumstances supported by a doctor’s note.
  4. You may transfer to another program or session up to the start date. Once the program begins no transfers will be made.

Swim Team and Y Guides 
In order to cancel Swim Team or Y Guides, the Y coaching staff must receive your written notice by the 1st of the month. Then the Y will stop your automatic payment for that month. If your written notice is received after the 1st of the month, your automatic payment will not be stopped until the following month. The current month charges will still be due. Note that all cancellations are charged the non refundable registration fee.


Welcome to our Y programs. We consider parents/guardians as our partners in protecting children in our programs. Below is a summary of our key policies and procedures. We welcome your feedback and participation in our most critical and important job – providing quality care and ensuring your child’s safety at all times. At the Y, we promise a sense of belonging, creating programs and services where all children feel welcomed and valued. The Y will make reasonable accommodation to fully include every child in activities.

  • Hiring and screening process: 
    • All new hire candidates are interviewed by multiple Y supervisors. 
    • A minimum of three references are checked before an offer is made.
    • All Y staff are fingerprinted and cleared through the Department of Justice (DOJ). The Y will be notified immediately if there is an arrest of any employee thereafter. 
    • In addition, all Y staff working on a school campus are fingerprinted and cleared through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). No staff members may start work until their fingerprints are cleared. 
  • Children will be supervised at all times by YMCA staff unless self-supervision for middle school students is in place. 
    • At no time during a Y program will a staff person be alone with one or two children where the child(ren) cannot be observed by others.
    • Two staff members working in a program may each supervise their own group of three or more children in separate spaces. 
    • When a staff member is supervising a group of children in a building or classroom, window blinds or doors will never be shut for privacy.
  • We will always meet our ratio requirements and there will be a minimum of two staff working at all times. 
    • In the event that one staff member arrives late or is absent for unforeseen circumstances, the other scheduled staff will open all doors and blinds and remain near the doorway in full sight (while still supervising the child). A substitute supervisor will immediately be called. 
    • There are self-supervision practices in place for middle school and high school youth on very specific field trips. YMCA staff are on site and have specific check-in protocols and procedures. 
    • Self-supervision is planned ahead and only permitted when a parent signs a permission slip. 
  • Staff will make sure the restroom is not occupied by suspicious or unknown individuals before allowing children to use the facilities. 
    • Staff will stand in the open doorway of the restroom while children are using the restroom. This allows for audio supervision of children, privacy for children and protection for staff (not placing them in the position of being alone with a child). 
    • In case a younger child needs assistance, doors to the facility must remain open and a second staff is asked to be present. 
    • No child, regardless of age, should ever enter a bathroom alone on a school campus, field trip or at another off-site location. Children must always be sent in threes (known as the rule of three) with a staff member. 
  • Other than diapering, medical emergencies, or in parent approved special needs situations, children will not be touched on areas of their bodies that would be covered by a swimsuit (the majority of the torso). Staff is trained how to deliver appropriate touch (as long as the child is comfortable) including high fives, a gentle hand on a shoulder, or a shoulder-to-shoulder side hug, if a hug is initiated by the child. 
  • Y staff will not be in contact with participating children outside of the program for any reason. 
  • Y staff will not babysit participating children outside of the program. Please support this policy by not asking Y staff to care for your child outside of the program. 
  • Y staff members are not allowed to communicate or engage with participating students via Facebook or any other form of social media. 
  • Y staff will not take photos of children under 18 in our programs on any personal electronic devices. 
    • If a staff member wants to take participant photos for Y communications, the camera must be owned by the Y (or a professional photographer may be engaged). 
    • Staff will check for the photo/video release on the signed Health History form. 
  • Staff will not sit in seats with students on field trip buses. 
    • Staff either sit together or by themselves. 
    • Staff will spread out on the bus for supervision. 
    • Staff will visually supervise students at all times. 
  • Cleaning practices 
    • End-of-day facility cleaning will only be done by staff that are not supervising children. 
    • On-going cleaning (i.e. wiping a table before and after snack) will continue over the course of the day as long as supervisory responsibilities are not interrupted. 
  • There will be a designated program supervisor on campus at all times. 
  • Parents/guardians of our program participants are invited and encouraged to observe our operations at any time, ask questions, provide feedback and suggest improvements as appropriate.
Get Involved at the Y

As a nonprofit organization, the Y is committed to helping people of all ages and from all walks of life have the resources and support they need to thrive. When you volunteer at the Y, you enrich your life, while taking an active role in bringing about meaningful change in your community.

In Silicon Valley, more than 7,000 people volunteer their time each year to help deliver Y programs or raise money to help others afford Y programs.

Why volunteer? 
Volunteering can be fun and fulfilling. Benefits include improving mood, decreasing stress, exploring passions and gaining new skills. Volunteering is also an effective and enjoyable way to build personal, community and professional connections.

There are many opportunities to volunteer at the Y. Here are just a few examples of how you can help:

  • Volunteer to help coach youth sports
  • Volunteer to read aloud at your child’s school through Project Cornerstone.
  • Volunteer to help at a special event
  • Volunteer to help raise money for children and families in your community

Click here to discover our current volunteer opportunities.


The Y is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization that works side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. 

The Y relies on generous donations from the public to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate in our services. When you give to the Y, you’re doing your part to strengthen our community - and a strong community is good for everyone.  
Get involved with giving by participating in Annual Campaign, Capital Giving, Planned Giving, or by creating a Donor Advised Fund.  

However you choose to give, you can be assured that 100% of donated dollars go directly toward helping individuals and families in need in our community, either by providing financial assistance or by subsidizing programs. Together, we enable the youth, adults, and families in Silicon Valley to learn, grow and thrive for years to come. 

You can make a difference in your community by donating to the Y today.


We believe that all children and teens in Silicon Valley and beyond should feel valued, respected, and supported by the adults in their community. 

We believe in empowering youth with the developmental experiences and opportunities proven by research to help kids thrive.

YMCA of Silicon Valley offers a variety of programs designed to create an environment where all children and teenagers can grow up to be healthy, caring, and responsible adults. We partner with thousands of adult volunteers and hundreds of schools and community organizations to provide positive experiences, build relationships, and create opportunities that young people need to thrive.

One of these programs, YMCA of Silicon Valley’s Project Cornerstone, was structured around the 40 developmental assets established by researchers at the Search Institute in Minneapolis. These developmental assets outline the positive experiences, relationships, skills and values that children and teens need to grow into thriving adults. Expanding on these 40 developmental assets, the Silicon Valley community added “asset 41,” Positive Cultural Identity.

Learn more about developmental assets

Our Ys incorporate the experiences and opportunities that have been proven by research to help kids thrive throughout all of our youth programming.

Still need help?

Click below to submit a request to our staff, and we can help you.