Overnight Camp at YMCA Camp Campbell

Find New Adventures and Friendships this Summer

Overnight Camp is full of traditional outdoor activities like campfires, hikes, skits and the chance to sleep under the stars. Campers disconnect from technology and distractions of outside life, offering an unforgettable positive experience.

Here at camp, our number one priority is providing a safe, positive camper experience. We believe that campers are most successful when given the opportunity to push themselves out of their comfort zones and discover in themselves resiliency, responsibility and confidence.

Got Questions?

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this page or view the Overnight Camp Parent's Guide.


(Ages 7-16) Our two-week program emphasizes growth and strengthening character values in all campers. Whether it is playing an all-camp game, learning new skills in an activity session, eating meals in the dining lodge, or dressing up, campers form meaningful relationships, try new things, and have tons of fun. Camp is full of traditional outdoor activities like campfires, hikes, skits and songs, cabin cheers and the chance to sleep under the stars. Over two weeks, campers disconnect from the technology and distractions of outside life. 


(Ages 7-16) Not quite ready for a full camp session We offer a six-day, five-night program to introduce campers to camp and our program, and to get them ready for the full two weeks of camp. Campers spend their week doing fun activities, making lasting friendships, and living in a cabin with other campers of similar ages.


(Y Members / Non-Members)
Session 1: 6-Day Mini-CampJune 8-13, 2025$975 / $1,025CAMP FULL - JOIN WAITLIST
Session 2: 6-Day Mini-CampJune 15-20, 2025$975 / $1,025CAMP FULL - JOIN WAITLIST
Session 3: Traditional Overnight CampJune 22 - July 4, 2025$1,515 / $1,590CAMP FULL - JOIN WAITLIST
Session 4: Traditional Overnight CampJuly 6- 18, 2025$1,515 / $1,590CAMP FULL - JOIN WAITLIST
Session 5: 6-Day Mini-CampJuly 20-25, 2025$975 / $1,025CAMP FULL - JOIN WAITLIST
Session 6: 6-Day Mini-CampJuly 27 - August 1, 2025$975 / $1,025CAMP FULL - JOIN WAITLIST
Session 7: 6-Day Mini-CampAugust 3-8, 2025$975 / $1,025CAMP FULL - JOIN WAITLIST




(Ages 13-16) Our classic adventure camp is for teens ready to take the next step in outdoor living during an action packed two-weeks. Campers will stay in our canvas platform tents during their time at camp and experience a range of outdoor activities including cowboy-style camping (sleeping under the stars), hiking, climbing and rafting. This program promotes responsibility for oneself and their environment all while making lifelong friends.


(Ages 13-16) Our waves and whitewater adventure camp is for teens who want to conquer the raging waters, and shred the gnar. This program centers around water specific activities that include surfing, kayaking, and whitewater rafting. Campers will stay in our canvas platform tents during their time at camp and experience a range of outdoor activities including cowboy-style camping (sleeping under the stars) during their time off-site. In order to participate in the program, campers must pass a swimming proficiency check.


(Y Members / Non-Members)
Teen Adventure Camp: Waves and WhitewaterJune 22 - July 4, 2025$2,325 / $2,440REGISTER TODAY
Teen Adventure Camp: ClassicJuly 6-18, 2025$1,650 / $1,730REGISTER TODAY




(Ages 16-17) This skill-based training program prepares teens to work as camp counselors, while working on a service project to ensure all youth have the opportunity to attend camp. The first two weeks focus on camper development, communication, leadership, activity planning, safety and relationship building. In the second half, CITs get more involved directly with camp, including spending a week putting their newly developed skills into practice by working alongside our counselors with our young campers. Note: The 4-Week CIT program is comprised of two 1-week sessions and one 2-week session. This means your camper will have two breaks in the middle of the camp where CITs will need to be picked up and dropped off to return home for a weekend. 


(Ages 15-16) Our Leader in Training program develops character and critical thinking skills for older teens. Teens will build confidence through developing leadership and teamwork skills. Leaders In Training (LITs) participate in team building, high ropes challenge activities, service projects to beautify camp, and workshops to hone goal-setting and self-reflection skills.


(Y Members / Non-Members)
CIT Session 1June 8 - July 4, 2025$1,515 / $1,590CAMP FULL - JOIN WAITLIST
CIT Session 2July 6 - August 1, 2025$1,515 / $1,590CAMP FULL - JOIN WAITLIST
LIT Session 1June 22 - July 4, 2025 $1,515 / $1,590SPACES ARE LIMITED
LIT Session 2July 6-18, 2025$1,515 / $1,590SPACES ARE LIMITED



Parent Information

CampSpace Login Instructions
General Questions
Where is Camp located?

We are located at 16275 Highway 9, Boulder Creek, CA 95006, about 45 minutes away from San Jose.

What’s the weather like at Camp in the summer?

We’re located in Boulder Creek, CA and it’s typically sunny with day temperatures between 80°F and 100°F. The mornings and evenings are usually cool. We recommend campers pack layers when attending camp. 

Should I send anything to my child while s/he is at Camp?

Campers can receive mail two ways. Please make sure to include the camper first and last name, session dates and cabin name when sending your camper mail. Campers receive mail daily. 

Physical mail can be sent to your camper at 16275 Highway 9, Boulder Creek, CA, 95006. 

Campers can also receive mail via email. Email can be sent to your camper at [email protected], please ensure you put the camper first and last name, session dates and cabin name. 

Please do not send food. Campers are not allowed to have it in their cabins.

I want to send my child mail while at camp. What is Camp’s address?

Please remember to put your child’s first and last name, and session number on the mail. Send it to 16275 Highway 9, Boulder Creek, CA 95006.

You may also email your camper at [email protected]. Please be sure to put the child’s first and last name, cabin number and session number in the subject of the email. Emails will be distributed daily, but campers are unable to email back.

Can campers make cabin mate requests?

Yes, campers may request a cabin mate on their supplemental registration forms. Cabin mate requests must be mutual to be honored. We will try our best to accommodate requests, but we cannot guarantee cabin assignments. Depending on the age of everyone enrolled in a given session, it is possible that a few months separation in age may be the difference in a cabinmate request being accommodated. 

When should campers arrive and depart from Camp?

Camp will send out drop off and pick up instructions to parents the week before camp starts. 

Can I tip my child’s camp counselor?

Although we appreciate your gratitude, please do not tip your child’s camp counselor. Instead, consider making a donation to our camp scholarship fund in the camp counselor’s honor. Our scholarship fund makes camp possible for children and teens from low-income families. Another option for a tip: write a letter of reference that the camp counselor can use for upcoming college or job applications.

My child is at camp. Can I come visit?

No, we do not allow parents to visit during the camp session as it disrupts your child’s adjustment to camp. We encourage you to communicate to campers via letters or emails sent to [email protected].

Can campers call home?

For the most part, we do not allow calls home. Calls to home make a camper’s adjustment to camp more difficult. Parents may call camp to speak with camp staff about your child’s well-being. We encourage you to communicate with your child via letters or emails sent to [email protected].

How is laundry handled?

Laundry services are not available for campers. Additionally please be sure to label all clothing and belongings so that we can return any misplaced items to its proper owner.

What is sold in the Camp Store?

We sell souvenirs, such as hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, flashlights, water bottles, and toiletries. We do not sell food, candy, and drinks. The camp store is not open during the campers stay but care packages may be ordered by parents and delivered to campers during their stay at camp. 

Does Camp have a lost and found?

Camp does have a lost and found, during camp campers should ask their camp counselor for help identifying lost items. During check out please check our lost and found for your missing items. We strongly encourage families to label all personal belongings, bedding etc. before coming to camp to make it easier to return lost and found items. 

My camper was waitlisted, what happens now?

If your child is waitlisted you will not be charged the deposit for camp. If/when a spot opens up and your camper is next on the waitlist we will send you an email confirming you are still interested in the camp. If you confirm your camper would like to attend you will be charged the deposit and billing will be set up. 


Food, Health, and Safety
What is the food like at Camp?

Campers report that our food is great. We serve three well-balanced meals daily, including an extensive salad bar during lunch and dinner. Vegetarian, gluten free and/or dairy free alternatives are also available. Our chef and kitchen staff strives to provide a nutritious menu that appeal to children and teens.

How do you handle food allergies?

We strive to accommodate food allergies. However, prior to registering for camp, be sure to contact us at [email protected] or 831-338-2128 to discuss your specific requirements. If we determine that we can accommodate your and/or your child’s food allergies, our staff and camp chef will work with you develop an appropriate plan.

Is there a nurse at Camp?

Yes. At Camp Campbell, we take your child’s safety very seriously. The Health Cottage is centrally located and open 24 hours/day while campers are on site. The Health Cottage staff is always available to administer first aid and medication for campers. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email the Health Cottage.

Phone: 831-338-6382
Email: [email protected]

My child has special health needs can camp accommodate these?

We do our best to accommodate every child’s needs while at camp. We frequently have campers with more involved medical conditions attend and have a great time. Please contact the Health Supervisor to discuss your child’s needs via phone or email. 

Phone: 831-338-6382
Email: [email protected]

Do I need to provide over the counter medication, just in case?

No. The Health Cottage has over the counter (OTC) medications that we will administer if needed. Please check off medication on the health form that you authorize us to administer. Without authorization, we will not administer any medication.

My child takes over the counter medication on a daily basis. Should I send it with them to camp?

Yes. If your child takes OTC medications regularly, such as Tylenol or Zyrtec, then we request that you give it to the staff to hand in to the Health Cottage.

My child has a rescue inhaler. Can they keep it with them?

Rescue inhalers are turned in to the Health Cottage so that we can document and acknowledge that your child may need one. They are returned to the camper so that they may use the inhaler at any time if needed.

What if my child needs their Epi-pen while at camp?

We have several Epi-pens located throughout camp. We hold Epi-pens in the Health Cottage so they don’t get lost. If campers are going off-site for a hike or other activity, we will pass their Epi-pens to trained counselors that will be with them. 

My child is allergic to nuts. Will they be at risk at YMCA Camp Campbell?

YMCA Camp Campbell’s Summer Camp does not serve nuts. The majority of our food comes from a nut-free facility. However, nuts are used in our kitchen during weekend programs and weddings. Please include an Epi-pen with your child’s medication if they are at risk for anaphylaxis.

What happens if my child gets hurt in the middle of the night?

Each village has a two-way radio that can be used to contact the Health Cottage at any time. There is always a healthcare personnel on radio and inside of the Health Cottage that are available to handle medical situations.

What happens if my child gets sick while at camp?

Our first priority is each child’s health; if we feel that they can be well and enjoy camp without a risk of being contagious then we will do our best to keep them at camp and treat them here. However, this is a case by case determination. A phone call to the parents will be made to keep them informed of their child’s condition.

Will someone remind my child to take their medication?

Yes. Medication is administered during meals and before sleep (8:45pm). Meal times are 8-9am, 12:30-1:30pm, and 6-7pm. Medication will be administered at other times as needed. We recommend only requesting bedtime medication administration if it is time-sensitive or a sleep aid (e.g. allergy medication can be given at dinnertime as opposed to bedtime). This allows for minimal interruption of bedtime routines.

Can you refrigerate medication?

Yes. We have a refrigerator in the Health Cottage that is intended for this purpose. Please send ice packs and/or a cooler with the medication for transportation to and from camp.

What happens if my child does not pass the health check?

If your child has a fever, they will be not be able to attend camp that day. They may return after 24 hours symptom-free. We will recheck their temperature when they come back to camp to ensure that they no longer have a fever.

If your child has lice, they will need a doctor’s note stating that the lice has been treated and they are cleared before returning to camp.

Where is the nearest hospital?

Dominican Hospital is in Santa Cruz, CA, which is approximately 15 miles from Camp. Health services and ambulance are approximately 3 miles away.

What to Bring to Camp
What should campers bring to Camp?

Follow this YMCA Camp Campbell Packing List

  • Sleeping bag/bedding 
  • Pillow 
  • Sweatshirt and/or jacket (nights can be chilly) 
  • T-shirts 
  • Long Pants 
  • Shorts 
  • Underwear 
  • Socks 
  • One pair of hiking boots or one pair of tennis shoes (all shoes must be closed toe) 
  • Flip Flops (for shower time and pool only) 
  • Pajamas 
  • Swim Gear 
  • Sun hat 
  • Towels (for shower and pool) 
  • Toiletries – Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and other personal care items 
  • Lip balm 
  • Sun block 
  • Bug repellant (no aerosol or DEET) 
  • Water Bottle 
  • Backpack 
  • Flashlight
  • Camera (disposable is best) 
  • Journal
  • Formal wear for end of camp dinner (Last Thursday of camp)
  • Positive Attitude! 

Please refrain from sending your child to camp with cell phones, food or candy, knives/firearms, weapons, fireworks, personal sports equipment, pets or animals, aerosol sprays, hair dryers, curling irons, money, alcohol/drugs, cigarettes.

Please label all of your child’s belongings. Lost and found will be displayed on the last day of camp. We will hold lost and found for only two weeks at camp after the session ends. 

Do campers need to bring their own bedding?

Yes, we recommend that you bring a pillow and pillowcase, blankets, sheets, and a sleeping bag. Sleeping bags are essential as all campers can choose to participate in an outside overnight experience.

Can campers bring electronics?

No, camp is a place to develop friendships and enjoy camp activities. It’s not about playing with electronic gadgets. Additionally, in our natural outdoor environment, it is difficult to keep electronic equipment safe. For those reasons, be sure to leave your cell phone, iPods/MP3 players, pagers, and stereos at home.

Can campers bring a cell phone?

No, cell phones disrupt the camp experience. Camp is about making new friends and enjoying personal, one-on-one interactions with staff and fellow campers. As such, be sure to leave cell phones at home. Possession of a cell phone during camp may lead to dismissal without a refund.

Activities & Daily Schedules
What activities will campers participate in?

Campers will participate in a scheduled rotation of activities that include camp classics like Archery, Campfires, Swimming and Outdoor Cooking. 

Additional Activities Include: 

Arts and Crafts
Climbing Wall 
Fire Building 
Gaga Ball
Field Games 
Low Ropes 
Outdoor Cooking
Outdoor/Adventure Skills
Shelter Building 
STEAM Projects
Street Hockey
Water Games


What do you do for children who have their birthday at Camp?

We strive to make it a special day for every camper who has a birthday at camp.

Daily Schedules

Click below to view sample scheduled from our Traditional (2-Week)  and Mini (1-Week) Camp schedules.

Traditional Camp (2-Weeks) Schedule (PDF)

Mini Camp (1-Week) Scheudle (PDF)