Discover some helpful tips to keep you eating merrily & mindfully, while feeling your best these holidays!
Keep your New Year's goals going with these easy tips for staying on track with your resolutions throughout the year.
Chris had been a member of a lot of gyms, social clubs, and groups but says without hesitation that Sequoia YMCA is the best organization he has ever been a part of.
As summer comes to a close, Y campers share the 2018 Summer Day Camp experiences they will treasure forever.
The Bay Area Host Committee and College Football Playoff Foundation’s Extra Yard for Teachers joined YMCA of Silicon Valley to offer Y Summer Day Campers a STEAM & Football Training Camp program
Worried your child isn’t ready to head off to overnight camp? Think again!
Risk of developing type 2 diabetes is at an all-time high. In fact, more than 84 million Americans have pre-diabetes, elevating their risk of developing diabetes.
Prepared to celebrate his 100th birthday on October 27, Antonio Ridolfo, affectionately known as Tony, shares his secret to healthy aging.
Every November, YMCA Adventure Guide families’ team up to build Thanksgiving meal boxes to donate to low-income families in the Y’s Grant-funded Afterschool program.