Summertime means a vacation from school, but for one in five kids in Santa Clara County, a school break can also mean going hungry. Many families rely on free or low-cost school lunch programs. With a recent turn of unprecedented events, the need is now greater than ever.

The YMCA of Silicon Valley’s Summer Meal Program serves free, healthy meals to children who may not have access to healthy food during the summer months. In partnership with the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) serving youth 18 and under and Second Harvest Food Bank providing funding to serve adults, we hope to help our community make ends meet during this time of crisis.

The Y in partnership with the San Jose Public Library, the Santa Clara County Library District will operate summer meal sites at 9 total libraries, where whole families can receive free and nutritious meals all summer long.

Revolution Foods, known for fresh, healthy meals—and kid-friendly dishes—will prepare the food served at all of our meal program sites.

Serving meals at local libraries, as well as at 9 local YMCAs and partnering agencies, means that we can bring free, healthy food to a variety of places most easily accessible to the community. 

A parent participant from San Jose, shared, “The YMCA meal program has helped our family make ends meet. Without this program I am not sure where we would be. The program gives me hope and the help I need to have a better life for my family. My children can learn and nourish their bodies.”

YMCA of Silicon Valley has successfully assisted other local organizations, such as San Jose Parks & Recreation and San Mateo County Library, in becoming sponsors for meal programs. When these organizations host their own meal programs, we create a network around the Bay Area that lessens the impact of summertime hunger. 

In a Partnership with Santa Clara County Senior Nutrition Program, City of Morgan Hill and the City of Gilroy, the YMCA offers lunch pick-up for seniors at the following locations:

Morgan Hill Senior Center
171 West Edmundson Ave. MH, Ca
Hours 12p-1p Mon-Fri

Gilroy Senior Center
7371 Hanna St. Gilroy, Ca
Hours 11a-12p Mon-Fri